King Tut Приложения

SecuredMessagesPlus 1.6
King Tut
This software app provides a simple and user friendly GUI (GraphicUser Interface) to offer Secured MMS, SMS, and Email messages whichcan be exchanged with other people who are listed as contacts inthe software. This app needs our app called SecuredMessagesPlus2which is available on Android market for free. You can encrypt yourmessage, or include your message in a file, encrypt the file, andthen attach the file to an Email or MMS. The encrypted attachedfile method is much more secured, and therefore, is recommended.The GUI for the application is written in English language which isthe international business language. However, user can writehis/her notes in any language. intelligence/military/securityagencies can still monitor your Email/MMS/SMS/IM. However, it wouldbe very difficult (or impossible) for them to read your encryptedmessages created by this app, unless they were able to steal yoursecured key using special measures (e.g. torture, stealing, orblackmail). This software app is written specially to suite legalprofessionals (judges and lawyers),police/security/intelligence/military officers, financial orinvestment professionals, politicians, senior business officials,senior government officials, diplomats, and political, freedom,democracy, or human rights activists. If you are not one of thoseprofessionals, it is likely this software app is not for you. Youshould consider this software app tool ONLY if you have or deal ona daily basis with highly valuable personal or professionalinformation or data that need to be protected withintelligence/military/security grade encryption technology. Thissoftware app is intended to address the privacy and securityconcerns of your daily communications with your associates andcontacts, completely independent and protected from any otherbusiness, including us. Also, this software application is designedfor exchange of small. medium, and large volume of data orinformation. You will need to do some reading about private andpublic keys (PGP), and how they are used to encrypt and decryptinformation and data, and how they used to exchange info and datawith other people. You need also to have one of the free good filemanagers available to be installed on your device. This app comesat a monthly subscription fee of $6.99/month. This app comes withthe following superrior capabilites and enhancements: - much moresecured implementation of the encryption algorithm AES-256; - muchbetter protection against man-in-the-loop (one of most commonapproaches used to spy on users); - larger file size limitation forattachments to MMSs; - can attach most types of files as to MMSsincluding encrypted files with extension "pgp"; - most reliablemessaging (secured Emails, MMSs, and SMSs). Important Note: theuser have to install our other app SecuredMessagesPlus2 (free) toget the full capabilities of the software. Our other appSecuredMessagesPlus2 will not create an icon on your device afterinstallation, but this app will be able to see it, and communicatewith it. Check our other encryption apps to protect your privacy,and secure your informations and data when using the Internet oryour mobile device: - SecuredVault; - SecuredVideoNote; -SecuredAudioNote; - SecuredWrittenNote. Important Disclaimer: Thefield of communications security and encryption is a fast movingand changing field. Therefore, this software app comes without anykind of warranty or guaranty. If your local laws do not allow forsuch complete disclaimer, you should not use this software app inany fashion, under any circumstances. Privacy Policy: None of ourapps collect and/or transmit any info what so ever about the userand/or his/her device.
SecuredVideoNote 1.9
King Tut
Secured encrypted video note using military grade AES-256encryption.
PhoneVideoLinkLite 1.4
King Tut
This app provides a video link to yourregularcell phone calls. Effectively, it will change your regularboringcell phone calls, to more alive and friendly video calls. Youandyour contacts need to have this app installed on your phone,andeach one to set up an account with the app. After that, you needtoadded each to the list of contacts for the app. The best way tousethe app is to start it first, and then put it in thebackground.The app will create an icon in the notification bar. Youthen canmake your regular cell call. After you make the phoneconnectionwith your contact, you go back to the app's icon inthenotification bar, bring the app in the front, and make thevideoconnection with your contact who should have the app installedonhis/her phone. The app's icon will remain in the notificationbarto provide an easy and quick convenient access. If you want,youcould slide the icon out of the notification bar.If the app is not able to load the built in ads for any reasononyour device, the app will smoothly exit. This is a built indesignfeature and NOT A CRASH.Check our other app T9DialerLite which will give andintelligentuser friendly UI to make a regular cell phone call.
UltraAllo 1.7
King Tut
Recently, there was a widely publicised successful hacking toaccounts on two well known networking and messenger software appsusing known weaknesses and vulnerabilities of little knowninternational network called SS7. The technique is very simple andvery known to spies and hackers. The technique capitalizes on usingmobile phone numbers for verification, and end-to-end encryption.Shortly after, there was a news report that the Electronic MilitaryIntelligence of certain country have hacked the accounts for 15millions users of one of those two well known messenger softwareapp. The President of the company that developed the software apphave denied the news. However, there was not any independentreports to confirm either side of the story. The Google Allosoftware app uses the above mentioned verification and encryptiontechniques. From the technical point of view, it is well known tothe experts in the field that the above mentioned verification andencryption approaches leaves the users easy target and prey forspies and hackers. This app provides a second completelyindependent layer of certified military/intelligence/security gradeencryption (using AES-256) for messages sent on the Google Alloapp. If a spy or a hacker is successful in gaining access to theuser's account, the spy/hacker will not to be to read the messagebecause it is completely encrypted by independent key. This appwill need our free support app SecuredPGPAllo to be installed onthe device. Google Allo will attached only multimedia file formats.As a result, it will not attach encrypted files. Therefore, thisapp will encrypt only messages for the Google Allo app. Usersinterested in attaching encrypted files of different formats shouldlook at our other apps SecuredEmail and SecuredIM which can attachencrypted files of any format. Traditionally, encryption has beencumbersome and confusing to most of people. The UI for this appprovides a clear and simple way for user to get the safety andprivacy of encrypted messages using the well known certifiedmilitary/security/intelligence encryption AES-256. This app isavailable for monthly subscription. The value of the monthlysubscription depends on the location of the user. If the user triesto use the app without buying first the monthly subscription, theapp will stop working or crash by design (depending on the deviceand the version of the android). Check our full line of serioussecured apps for serious professionals: - SecuredEmail for securedencrypted emails; - SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instantmessages); - SecuredMMS for secured encryped MMS; - SecuredVaultfor secured large data/info storage and transfer/sending; -UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached files onTelegram app; - UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages onWhatsapp app; - UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viberapp; - UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages on FacebookMessenegr app; - UltraAllo for secured encrypted messages on Alloapp; - UltraInstaMessages for secured encrypted messages onInstagram app; - UltraSkyMessages for secured encrypted messages onSkype app. If you have a problem using this app after subscribingto the service, let us know, and we will help you out to use theapp. We are introducing this app and many other similar apps aspart of our long deep and strong passion and commitment to usetechnology to support and help democracy, freedom of expression,and human rights activists, opposition/supporters and generalpeople against injustice and oppressive police/military/royaldictatorships, and highly corrupt regimes. We are not located inUSA. Therefore, we are not under legal obligations to providepersonal and private information about our users to spy/securityagencies. It is our dream and goal to help to create a better andsafer world for everyone.
UltraViberM 1.2
King Tut
Recently, there was a widely publicised successful hacking toaccounts on two well known networking and messenger software appsusing known weaknesses and vulnerabilities of little knowninternational network called SS7. The technique is very simple andvery known to spies and hackers. The technique capitalizes on usingmobile phone numbers for verification, and end-to-end encryption.Shortly after, there was a news report that the Electronic MilitaryIntelligence of certain country have hacked the accounts for 15millions users of one of those two well known messenger softwareapp. The President of the company that developed the software apphave denied the news. However, there was not any independentreports to confirm either side of the story. The Viber software appuses the above mentioned verification and encryption techniques.From the technical point of view, it is well known to the expertsin the field that the above mentioned verification and encryptionapproaches leaves the users easy target and prey for spies andhackers. This app provides a second completely independent layer ofmilitary/intelligence/security grade encryption (using AES-256) formessages sent on the Viber Messages. If a spy or a hacker issuccessful in gaining access to the user's account, the spy/hackerwill not to be to read the message because it is completelyencrypted by independent key. This app will need our free supportapp SecuredPGPViberM to be installed on the device. Viber messageswill attached only multimedia file formats. As a result, it willnot attach encrypted files. Therefore, this app will encrypt onlymessages for Viber. Users interested in attaching encrypted filesshould look at our other apps SecuredEmail and SecuredIM which canattach encrypted files of any format. Traditionally, encryption hasbeen cumbersome and confusing to most of people. The UI for thisapp provides a clear and simple way for user to get the safety andprivacy of encrypted messages using the well knownmilitary/security/intelligence encryption AES-256. This app isavailable for monthly subscription. The value of the monthlysubscription depends on the location of the user. If the user triesto use the app without buying first the monthly subscription, theapp will stop working or crash by design (depending on device andthe version of the android). Check our full line of serious securedapps for serious professionals: - SecuredEmail for securedencrypted emails; - SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instantmessages); - SecuredMms for secured encryped MMS; - SecuredVaultfor secured large data/info storage and transfer/sending; -UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached files onTelegram app; - UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages onWhatsapp app; - UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages onViber app; - UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viberapp; - UltraAllo for secured encrypted messages on Allo app; -UltraInstaMessages for secured encrypted messages on Instagram app;- UltraSkyMessages for secured encrypted messages on Skype app. Ifyou have a problem using this app after subscribing to the service,let us know, and we will help you out to use the app. We areintroducing this app and many other similar apps as part of ourlong deep and strong passion and commitment to use technology tosupport and help democracy, freedom of expression, and human rightsactivists, opposition/supporters and general people againstinjustice and oppressive police/military/royal dictatorships, andhighly corrupt regimes. We are not located in USA. Therefore, weare not under legal obligations to provide personal and privateinformation about our users to spy/security agencies. It is ourdream and goal to help to create a better and safer world foreveryone.
SecuredPGP 2.1
King Tut
Provides military grade encryption for our SecuredVault app version1.6 or later
SecuredPGPViberM 1.6
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on Viberapp.
SecuredPGPLineMessages 1.5
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on Line app.
SecuredPGPInstaMessages 1.6
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on Instagramapp.
SecuredPGPIm 1.6
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption (AES-256) for ourSecuredIM app.
UltraFacebookM 1.1
King Tut
Recently, there was a widelypublicisedsuccessful hacking to accounts on two well knownnetworking andmessenger software apps using known weaknesses andvulnerabilitiesof little known international network called SS7.The technique isvery simple and very known to spies and hackers.The techniquecapitalizes on using mobile phone numbers forverification, andend-to-end encryption. Shortly after, there was anews report thatthe Electronic Military Intelligence of certaincountry have hackedthe accounts for 15 millions users of one ofthose two well knownmessenger software app. The President of thecompany that developedthe software app have denied the news.However, there was not anyindependent reports to confirm eitherside of the story.The Facebook Messenger software app uses the abovementionedverification and encryption techniques. From the technicalpoint ofview, it is well known to the experts in the field that theabovementioned verification and encryption approaches leaves theuserseasy target and prey for spies and hackers.This app provides a second completely independent layerofmilitary/intelligence/security grade encryption (using AES-256)formessages sent on the Facebook Messenger. If a spy or a hackerissuccessful in gaining access to the user's account, thespy/hackerwill not to be to read the message because it iscompletelyencrypted by independent key. This app will need our freesupportapp SecuredPGPFacebookM to be installed on the device.Facebook Messenger will attached only small number ofdifferentmultimedia file formats (6 different formats). As aresult, it willnot attach encrypted files. Therefore, this app willencrypt onlymessages for Facebook Messenger. Users interested inattachingencrypted files should look at our other apps SecuredEmailandSecuredIM which can attach encrypted files of any format.Traditionally, encryption has been cumbersome and confusingtomost of people. The UI for this app provides a clear and simplewayfor user to get the safety and privacy of encrypted messagesusingthe well known military/security/intelligenceencryptionAES-256.This software app is written specially to suitelegalprofessionals (judges andlawyers),police/security/intelligence/military officers, financialorinvestment professionals, politicians, senior businessofficials,senior government officials, diplomats, and political,freedom,democracy, or human rights activists.Check our full line of serious secured apps forseriousprofessionals:- SecuredEmail for secured encrypted emails;- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages);- SecuredMms for secured encryped MMS;- SecuredVault for secured large data/info storageandtransfer/sending;- UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached filesonTelegram app;- UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages onFacebookapp;- UltraWhatsMessages for secured encrypted messages onWhatsappapp;- UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber app;- UltraAllo for secured encrypted messages on Allo app;- UltraInstaMessages for secured encrypted messages onInstagramapp;- UltraSkyMessages for secured encrypted messages on Skype app.Each of the above apps is available for monthly subscriptionforthe service of the app.If you have a problem using this app after subscribing totheservice, let us know, and we will help you out to use theapp.This is a serious app for serious people who have seriousveryimportant and high value business and information/data thatneed tobe protected. There are no freebies here.(*) All tradenames mentioned above are owned by theirrespectivecompanies.
UltraLineMessages 1.2
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on LINE app.
UltraWhatMessages 1.2
King Tut
Provides a proven military grade encryption for messages onWhatsapp app.
UltraSkyMessages 1.2
King Tut
Recently, there was a widely publicised successful hacking toaccounts on two well known networking and messenger software appsusing known weaknesses and vulnerabilities of little knowninternational network called SS7. The technique is very simple andvery known to spies and hackers. The technique capitalizes on usingmobile phone numbers for verification, and end-to-end encryption.Shortly after, there was a news report that the Electronic MilitaryIntelligence of certain country have hacked the accounts for 15millions users of one of those two well known messenger softwareapp. The President of the company that developed the software apphave denied the news. However, there was not any independentreports to confirm either side of the story. The Skype software appuses the above mentioned verification and encryption techniques.From the technical point of view, it is well known to the expertsin the field that the above mentioned verification and encryptionapproaches leaves the users easy target and prey for spies andhackers. This app provides a second completely independent layer ofproven military/intelligence/security grade encryption (usingAES-256) for messages sent on the Skype app. If a spy or a hackeris successful in gaining access to the user's account, thespy/hacker will not to be to read the message because it iscompletely encrypted by independent key. This app will need thesupport of our free app SecuredPGPSkyMessages to be installed onthe device. Skype app will attach only multimedia file formats (6different formats). As a result, it will not attach encryptedfiles. Therefore, this app will encrypt only messages for Skypeapp. Users interested in attaching encrypted files should look atour other apps SecuredEmail and SecuredIM which can attachencrypted files of any format. On some devices, this app can notlaunch the Skype app. Therefore, this app will copy the encryptedmessage to the clipboard (i.e. buffer). The user can then paste theencrypted message into the space for the regular message, and thensend it in a regular fashion to the contact who owns the encryptionkey used in encrypting the message. This app is available formonthly subscription. The value of the monthly subscription dependson the location of the user. If the user tries to use the appwithout buying first the monthly subscription, the app will stopworking or crash by design (depending on device and the version ofthe android). Check our full line of serious secured apps forserious professionals: - SecuredEmail for secured encrypted emails;- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages); -SecuredMms for secured encryped MMS; - SecuredVault for securedlarge data/info storage and transfer/sending; - UltraTelegram forsecured encrypted messages and attached files on Telegram app; -UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages on Facebook; -UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages on Whatsapp; -UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber; - UltraAllofor secured encrypted messages on Allo app; - UltraInstaMessagesfor secured encrypted messages on Instagram; - UltraLineMessagesfor secured encrypted messages on LINE app. This is a serious appfor serious people who have serious very important and high valuebusiness and information that need to be protected. Privacy Policy:None of our apps collect, store, share, and/or transmit anypersonal info what so ever about the user and/or his/her device.Also, we do not use any third parties to collect, store, share,and/or transmit personal info what so ever on our behave. (*) Alltradenames mentioned above are owned by their respective companies.
SecuredPGPFacebookM 1.2
King Tut
This app is configured toprovidesmilitary/security/intelligence grade encryption (AES-256)for ourUltraFacebookM app. User should be familiar with PGP (alsoOpenPGP)and the concept of public and private keys, and how theywork. Usershould also know how to exchange the public key securelywithcontacts. It recommended to generate at least one key whichcanencrypt, decrypt, and sign. Users should use the same user'snameand email address used in their account with FacebookMessenger.Use secured method to export or exchange your public keywith othercontacts. Also, use a password for your key which is atleast 8-12characters, and you can easily remember, and verydifficult toguess by others.This app works with android 4.4 and higher.This is a serious app for serious people who have seriousveryimportant and high value business and information that need tobeprotected. There are no freebies here.Check our full line of serious secured apps forseriousprofessionals:- SecuredEmail for secured encrypted emails;- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages);- SecuredMMS for secured encryped MMS;- SecuredVault for secured large data/info storageandtransfer/sending;- UltraFacebookM for secured encrypted messages onFacebookMessenger;- UltraTelegram for secured encrypted messages and attached filesonTelegram app;- UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages onWhatsappapp;- UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber app;- UltraAllo for secured encrypted messages on Allo app;- UltraInstaMessages for secured encrypted messages onInstagramapp;- UltraSkyMessages for secured encrypted messages on Skype app.Each of the above apps is available for monthly subscriptionforthe service of the app.If you have a problem using this app after subscribing totheservice, let us know, and we will help you out to use theapp.(*) All tradenames mentioned above are the property oftheirrespective companies.
SecuredPGPMms 1.6
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption (AES-256) for ourSecuredMms app.
SecuredPGPCloudBox 2.0
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for cloud data storage onDropbox.
SecuredOutEmail 1.2
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for Microsoftoutlook app.
SecuredPGPCloudOne 1.4
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for cloud data storage onOneDrive app
SecuredPGPYMessages 1.8
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for Yahoomessenger app.
VaultIM 1.1
King Tut
Provides encrypted secured IM (Instant Message) with Tor and P2Pencryption
SecuredPGPHangMessages 1.5
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on GoogleHangouts app.
UltraSocialNetworks 1.4
King Tut
Provides easy and quick access to blocked Social Networks web sites
UltraCloudBox 1.4
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for cloud data storage onDropbox.
UltraNGOs 1.4
King Tut
provides easy and quick access to blocked NGOs websites
UltraFaceMessages 1.2
King Tut
This app provides a second completely independent layer ofprovenmilitary/intelligence/security grade encryption (usingAES-256) formessages sent on the Facebook app. If a spy or a hackerissuccessful in gaining access to the user's account, thespy/hackerwill not to be to read the message because it iscompletelyencrypted by independent key. This app will need thesupport ourfree app SecuredPGPInstaMessages to be installed on thedevice.Facebook app will attach only multimedia file formats. As aresult,it will not attach encrypted files. Therefore, this appwillencrypt only messages for Facebook app. Users interestedinattaching encrypted files should look at our otherappsSecuredEmail and SecuredIM which can attach encrypted files ofanyformat. Traditionally, encryption has been cumbersome andconfusingto most of people. The UI for this app provides a clearand simpleway for user to get the safety and privacy of encryptedmessagesusing the well known military/security/intelligenceencryptionAES-256. This software app is written specially to suitelegalprofessionals (judges andlawyers),police/security/intelligence/military officers, financialorinvestment professionals, politicians, senior businessofficials,senior government officials, diplomats, and political,freedom,democracy, or human rights activists. This app is availableformonthly subscription. The value of the monthly subscriptiondependson the location of the user. If the user tries to use theappwithout buying first the monthly subscription, the app willstopworking or crash by design (depending on the device and theversionof the android). Check our full line of serious secured appsforserious professionals: - SecuredEmail for secured encryptedemails;- SecuredIM for secured encrypted IM (Instant messages);-SecuredMms for secured encryped MMS; - SecuredVault forsecuredlarge data/info storage and transfer/sending; -UltraTelegram forsecured encrypted messages and attached files onTelegram app; -UltraFaceMessages for secured encrypted messages onFacebook; -UltraWhatMessages for secured encrypted messages onWhatsapp; -UltraViberM for secured encrypted messages on Viber; -UltraAllofor secured encrypted messages on Allo; -UltraInstaMessages forsecured encrypted messages on Instagram; -UltraSkyMessages forsecured encrypted messages on Skype; -UltraCloudBox for securedencrypted cloud data storage on Dropbox; -UltraCloudDrive forsecured encrypted cloud data storage on GoogleDrive; -SecuredYEmail for secured encrypted email using Yahoo mailapp; -SecuredYMessages for secured encrypted messages usingYahoomessenger; - UltraCloudOne for secured encrypteddata/informationstorage on Microsoft OneDrive; - UltraWeMessagesfor securedencrypted messages using Wechat app. Each of the aboveapps isavailable for monthly subscription for the service of theapp. Thisis a serious app for serious people who have serious veryimportantand high value business and information that need to beprotected.There are no freebies here. We are introducing this appand manyother similar apps as part of our long deep and strongpassion andcommitment to use technology to support and helpdemocracy, freedomof expression, and human rights activists,opposition/supportersand general people against injustice andoppressivepolice/military/royal dictatorships, and highly corruptregimes. Weare not located in USA. Therefore, we are not underlegalobligations to provide personal and private information aboutourusers to spy/security agencies. It is our dream and goal to helptocreate a better and safer world for everyone. (*) Alltradenamesmentioned above are owned by their respective companies.
King Tut
Fully featured Internet browser with the Tor Capabilities
SecuredMms 1.6
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption messages on android MMSapp.
MazeVOIP 1.1
King Tut
Fully featured VOIP app with the Tor cpabilities
SecuredEmail 1.9
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for androidEmail app.
SecuredIM 1.6
King Tut
Provides secured encrypted IM (Instant Message) using AES-256 andTor.
UltraInstaMessages 1.2
King Tut
Provides a second independent layer of military grade encryptionfor messages.
SecuredPGPCloudDrive 1.4
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for cloud data storage onGoogle Drive
UltraWeMessages 1.2
King Tut
Provides a second independent layer of military grade encryptionfor messages.
SecuredPGPTelegram 1.5
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on Telegramapp.
SecuredVideoPhone 1.2
King Tut
Provide regular and secured encrypted phone conversations
T9DialerLite 1.4
King Tut
Provide T9 phone dialling capabilities
UltraTelegram 1.4
King Tut
Provides a second independent layer of proven military encryptionfor Telegram.
UltraCloudOne 1.2
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for cloud data storage onOneDrive app
SecuredPGPFileManager 2.1
King Tut
Provide advanced and reliable encryption using the AES-256 2.1
King Tut
video conference, online classes, and work collaboration plateform
MyEventia, The New Era For Soc 1.2
King Tut
Easy and Quick Login to MyEventia Social Network.
SecuredAudioMessages 2.7
King Tut
Secured encrypted audio note using military grade AES-256encryption.
SecuredPGPWhatMessages 2.1
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on Whatsappapp.
SecuredPGPAudioMessages 2.2
King Tut
Provide advanced and reliable encryption using the AES-256
SecuredPGPWeMessages 1.5
King Tut
Provides proven military grade encryption for messages on WeChatapp.
SecuredPGPOutEmail 1.2
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for Microsoftoutlook app.
SecuredPGPGEmail 1.4
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for googlegmail app.
UltraNews 1.4
King Tut
Provides easy and quick access to blocked news website in Egypt
King Tut
Provides user friendly and proven secured encryption for Yahoomailapp.